Mud Maidens christmas party 2022 x The Suspension Lab

This weekend is the annual Christmas party for the Mud Maidens! We will be there in full set up mode to provide assistance and tuning for those in attendance.

The format will be slightly different to previous skyline set up days, in that we will be using an alternate “pay as you go” arrangement with no pre-booking required. For $60 you will get a baseline set up and adjustment check of tyre pressures, springs/pressure, adjusters and volume spacers. Followed by 3 runs to trial and tweak the settings to your preference. You can extend the time with another 3 runs for $40 if you want to continue dialling it in or experimenting some more. You will receive a settings card to take away at the end!

I will have a range of volume spacers which you can test as many as you like and only pay for the ones you decide to keep at $10 each. I will bring some coils if you have a coil sprung bike, although I would recommend filling out the (optional) form below with your weight, brand of shock and bike model so I can bring some suitable springs.

No limit to time, I will be around all day so you can spread things out but I do recommend checking in between back-to-back runs of the same track


Arrive at 10 and do at least 1 warm up run on a trail you are familiar with. If new to the park I suggest 2 or 3 runs to get comfortable.

Check in with Jono, pay $60 and I will assess the current set up, ask a few questions about what you like and don’t like then make some adjustments as needed. Eg you experience harshness or get sore hands, struggle to maintain grip/washing out tyres, bottoming out the suspension, getting bucked on jumps.

Do another run on the new settings, ideally on a track you already rode that morning. Think about just a couple of the points you felt didn’t ride very well that morning. When you rode them this time were they better, worse, or no different? You can continue to ride whatever you want or come straight back for another adjustment. Let me know if it was better or worse and I will make another change based on what you felt. We repeat this a few more times until your 3 runs are up or you are happy with the changes.

Optional form to register your interest -

Jono Church